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  • Contains 1 Product(s)

    The INACSL Simulation Education Program (ISEP) aligns with the vision, mission and core values of INACSL bringing just-in-time education and best practices to participants. Developed and facilitated by experts in the field, ISEP provides a pathway for novice and intermediate simulation educators, practitioners, and directors to learn and apply evidence-based strategies in simulation. Advanced practitioners will benefit from refinement of skills and best practices in simulation-based education.

    The INACSL Simulation Education Program (ISEP) aligns with the vision, mission and core values of INACSL bringing just-in-time education and best practices to participants. Developed and facilitated by experts in the field, ISEP provides a pathway for novice and intermediate simulation educators, practitioners, and directors to learn and apply evidence-based strategies in simulation. Advanced practitioners will benefit from refinement of skills and best practices in simulation-based education.

    ISEP is a comprehensive, online program integrating concepts of simulation and instructional design methodologies into practice with interactive, activity-based, on-line projects. Each of the 12 courses in the program incorporate participant discussion boards and video sessions with facilitators related to specific course projects and assignments. Some courses require participants to work together virtually to complete group projects.

    Upon completion of this program, the learner will be able to:

    1. Integrate the Standards of Best Practice into curricula to advance the science of simulation;
    2. Demonstrate effective simulation design principles to facilitate learner-centered, simulation-based experiences;
    3. Generate evaluation strategies to determine the impact on patient, participant and systems outcomes; and
    4. Participate in leadership and scholarship activities to advance the science of simulation
    • Register
      • Non-member - $1,500
      • Individual - $1,200
      • Individual Lifetime - $1,200
      • Retired - $1,200
      • Student - $1,200
      • Institutional Contact - $1,200
      • Associate Contact - $1,500
      • Prospect - $1,500
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Celebrate Nurses Week! Free for members and non-member. CNE: 1.0

    Celebrate Nurses Week! Free for members and non-members. 

    Presented by: Mindi Anderson, PhD, APRN, CPNP-PC, CNE, CHSE-A, ANEF, FSSH, FAAN, Elizabeth Wells-Beede, PhD, CHE-A, CNE, ACUE, FAAN, and Gregory Welch, PhD, FNAI, FIEE, and Frank Guido-Sanz, PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, AGACNP-BC, CHSE, FAANP

    Description: Nursing and healthcare simulationists may develop new innovations but not know if they are patentable and if so, how to proceed through the process. Nurses have not typically been involved with patents; however, there are many opportunities for the to do so (Davis & Glasgow, 2020). Participants will understand the basic steps to the patenting process.

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - Free!
      • Individual - Free!
      • Individual Lifetime - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Student - Free!
      • Institutional Contact - Free!
      • Associate Contact - Free!
      • Prospect - Free!
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    CNE: 1.0

    Presented by: Nicole Harder, RN, PhD, CHSE, CCSNE

    Description: The professional practice gap in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare simulation centers around the need for healthcare professionals to effectively integrate and utilize AI technologies within their simulation activities. The gap lies in the insufficient understanding, knowledge, and practical skills among healthcare professionals regarding the application of AI in simulated healthcare scenarios. This webinar aims to address the gap by providing targeted education to enhance the participants' competence in understanding AI and machine learning, and how to leverage AI tools and technologies within the healthcare simulation setting.

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $99
      • Individual - $15
      • Individual Lifetime - $15
      • Retired - $15
      • Student - $15
      • Institutional Contact - $15
      • Associate Contact - $15
      • Prospect - $99
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    CNE: 1.0

    Presented by: Shelby Garner, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN

    Description: Participants will gain knowledge of how this initiative aims to bridge these gaps by promoting the adoption of globally recognized INACSL standards and the use of culturally responsive simulation. Through culturally responsive simulation-based training, nurses and healthcare professionals in LMICs can gain hands-on experience in accordance with these standards, fostering critical thinking, enhancing clinical competency, and fostering interprofessional collaboration, ultimately leading to improved patient and community outcomes and the elevation of healthcare quality in these regions (Garner et al., 2020; 2023; INACSL, 2021; Ryan et al., 2023; Spies et al, 2017; USAID, 2022). 

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $99
      • Individual - $15
      • Individual Lifetime - $15
      • Retired - $15
      • Student - $15
      • Institutional Contact - $15
      • Associate Contact - $15
      • Prospect - $99
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  • Contains 4 Product(s)

    Upon completion of the Cornerstones of Best Practice, the learner will be able to: The learner will examine the criteria and required elements of Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice for Core Four Endorsement. The learner will reference the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice while analyzing their own simulation program to identify gaps within their program. The learner will identify strategies to both integrate and apply the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice within their own simulation program to prepare for Core Four Endorsement.

    The following modules are included: 
    • Prebriefing
    • Facilitation
    • Debriefing
    • Professional Integrity
    Upon completion of the Cornerstones of Best Practice, the learner will be able to:
    • The learner will examine the criteria and required elements of Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice for Core Four Endorsement.
    • The learner will reference the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice while analyzing their own simulation program to identify gaps within their program.
    • The learner will identify strategies to both integrate and apply the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice within their own simulation program to prepare for Core Four Endorsement.

    • Register
      • Non-member - $650
      • Individual - $500
      • Individual Lifetime - $500
      • Retired - $500
      • Student - $500
      • Institutional Contact - $500
      • Associate Contact - $500
      • Prospect - $650
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide learners with an overview and detailed analysis of Healthcare Simulation Standard of Best Practice - Professional Integrity.

    Description: This module explores and illustrates how to live the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice: Professional Integrity. Through interactive learning activities, such as case studies and matching exercises, the learner will understand the value of professional integrity components including the Healthcare Simulationist Code of Ethics and IPEC Core Competencies. The relationship between professional integrity and psychological safety is explored through the lens of several additional Healthcare Standards of Best Practice. Topics of confidentiality and inclusivity within simulation are also presented, with consideration to individual simulationists as well as simulation programs. An opportunity for the learner to complete a gap analysis is also included within this module which allows learners to specifically focus on how to derive the most value from the core elements of professional integrity.

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $185
      • Individual - $150
      • Individual Lifetime - $150
      • Retired - $150
      • Student - $150
      • Institutional Contact - $150
      • Associate Contact - $150
      • Prospect - $185
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide learners with an overview and detailed analysis of Healthcare Simulation Standard of Best Practice – Prebriefing.

    Description: This module emphasizes the importance of prebriefing in simulation education and offers guidelines for creating effective prebriefing practices. Prebriefing, a vital component of simulation education, encompasses preparation and briefing before a simulation event. This module discusses critical prebrief elements, the significance of knowledge about the scenario, learners, cognitive load, and learning objectives in prebriefing and identifies areas of prebrief practice that meet INACSL best practice standards. In this module there are numerous real-life examples of various prebriefing scenarios, as well as interactive prebriefing activities, that allow the learner to assess their own knowledge about prebriefing best practices and evaluate their program for gaps in the endorsement criteria. Additionally, this module provides several resources and tools for prebriefing and assists the learners in assessing and improving their own prebriefing practices.

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $185
      • Individual - $150
      • Individual Lifetime - $150
      • Retired - $150
      • Student - $150
      • Institutional Contact - $150
      • Associate Contact - $150
      • Prospect - $185
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide learners with an overview and detailed analysis of Healthcare Simulation Standard of Best Practice – Facilitation.

    Description: The Facilitation Module will provide an overview of the criterion and elements of the Healthcare Standard of Best Practice Facilitation. This includes an overview of learning theories applicable to simulation, facilitator evaluation strategies, and best practices for facilitation throughout the simulation-based learning. Participants will be provided with resources including facilitator training, and other applicable Healthcare Standards of Best Practice that apply to optimal facilitation.  This module includes interactive activities to apply knowledge including facilitation challenges case studies and matching appropriate facilitation method to modality. Participants will be provided with a checklist to evaluate their simulation program to the facilitation endorsement criteria and evidence.  

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $185
      • Individual - $150
      • Individual Lifetime - $150
      • Retired - $150
      • Student - $150
      • Institutional Contact - $150
      • Associate Contact - $150
      • Prospect - $185
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This module will provide learners with an overview and detailed analysis of Healthcare Simulation Standard of Best Practice – The Debriefing Process.

    Description: An effective debriefing is what allows the lessons of the simulation experience to be integrated and synthesized within the learner.  Novice simulations however are often challenged by conducting a robust and meaningful debriefing.  This module will discuss the basic principles and theoretical underpinnings of debriefing.  Learners will be engaged with focused didactics and interactive components.  Learners should be able to add new skills to their debriefing toolbox after completely this module.   

    CNE: 1.0

    • Register
      • Non-member - $185
      • Individual - $150
      • Individual Lifetime - $150
      • Retired - $150
      • Student - $150
      • Institutional Contact - $150
      • Associate Contact - $150
      • Prospect - $185
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  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    CNE: 1.0

    Presented by: Deborah Byrne, Ph.D., RN, CNE, Kathleen Czekanski, PhD, RN, Mary Wilby, Ph.D., MSN, CRNP, ANP-BC, RN, Stephanie Blumenfeld, MSN, RN, CHSE, Rita Ann Laske, EdD, RN, CNE, and Kristen Overbaugh, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CHPN

    CNE: 1.0

    Description: Learners will gain knowledge in teaching undergraduate students EOL care, throughout an undergraduate nursing curriculum, based on content in the ELNEC modules using a combined teaching learning approach, which included an ACE.S Unfolding Case Study, clinical simulation and traditional lecture. 

    • Register
      • Non-member - $99
      • Individual - $15
      • Individual Lifetime - $15
      • Retired - $15
      • Student - $15
      • Institutional Contact - $15
      • Associate Contact - $15
      • Prospect - $99
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