Cornerstones of Best Practice: Prebriefing

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Description: This module emphasizes the importance of prebriefing in simulation education and offers guidelines for creating effective prebriefing practices. Prebriefing, a vital component of simulation education, encompasses preparation and briefing before a simulation event. This module discusses critical prebrief elements, the significance of knowledge about the scenario, learners, cognitive load, and learning objectives in prebriefing and identifies areas of prebrief practice that meet INACSL best practice standards. In this module there are numerous real-life examples of various prebriefing scenarios, as well as interactive prebriefing activities, that allow the learner to assess their own knowledge about prebriefing best practices and evaluate their program for gaps in the endorsement criteria. Additionally, this module provides several resources and tools for prebriefing and assists the learners in assessing and improving their own prebriefing practices.

CNE: 1.0


Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
Gap Analysis Assignment - Prebriefing
Upload 1 files to pass.
Upload 1 files to pass. As you complete each of the four modules (Prebriefing, Facilitation, Debriefing, and Professional Integrity), you will encounter a slide that reads “Are we meeting the standard?”. On that slide, there will be a gap analysis form. Please make sure to download the form. It will also be listed under the handouts tab.
Cornerstones of Best Practice: Prebriefing Evaluation
10 Questions
Certificate of Completion
1.00 CNE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CNE credit  |  Certificate available