Using Simulation to Teach Postpartum Hemorrhage Management Recorded Webinar
- Registration Closed
Presented by: Jennifer Alderman, PhD, MSN, RNC-OB, CNL, CNE, CHSE and Natalie Bowen, MSN-Ed, CHSE
CNE: 1.0
Description: There exists an opportunity to educate simulation educators in health care organizations in the use multiple modes of simulation to train health care professionals in PPH management. Utilizing all available resources will increase the number of highly trained health care professionals practicing in obstetrics to manage PPH based on best practice, thus improving patient outcomes, including maternal mortality in the United States (Andreatta, Gans-Larty, Debpuur, Ofosu, & Perosky, 2011; Egenberg, Oian, Eggebo, Arsenovic, & Bru, 2016). Learners (simulation educators) will gain knowledge of the use of simulation to train healthcare professionals in the management of PPH.