SimGHOSTS Capability Framework: Creating a Valuable Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialist Position Recorded Webinar
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Presented by: Erica Hinojosa, MSHS, CHSOS-A
Description: A gap exists regarding job descriptions that are created for Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists (HSTS). Often, job descriptions are created but created poorly. Through the SimGHOSTS Capability Framework, we can dive into the 8 domains of practice that will guide us through proper vernacular used to enhance job descriptions for HSTS from foundation to senior level. The current state reflects a deficiency in the proper creation of job descriptions for HSTS leading to confusion of role responsibilities and position. HSTS are key employees to any team and adding value to their job description will create clarity of the role. At the conclusion of the presentation, attendees will annotate the Capability Framework, define the eight Domains of Practice, and develop various job descriptions for a HSTS.
CNE: 1.0